Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 5 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3273752380716 of 16proposed 176410xe086155c...900 / 00YK_Zodiac
3273752380615 of 16proposed 145580x18b8a859...1100 / 00YK_Omen
3273752380514 of 16proposed 38530x0b477021...1500 / 00--
3273752380413 of 16proposed 94250x200b638c...1100 / 00--
3273752380312 of 16proposed 183920xee9d7dc7...1000 / 00--
3273752380211 of 16proposed 159280xec40bc29...1300 / 00Nethermind
3273752380110 of 16proposed 30730xac91cde8...2000 / 00--
327375238009 of 16proposed 124050x4653b6ec...950 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
327375237998 of 16proposed 13990x4e759a1d...1000 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
327375237987 of 16proposed 132640xccc86333...1300 / 00Nethermind
327375237976 of 16proposed 95170x2b5d83a8...1600 / 00--
327375237965 of 16proposed 193940x037dc91f...1800 / 00YK_DAppNode
327375237954 of 16proposed 28390xfafad5b6...1100 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
327375237943 of 16proposed 20770x8b97c31d...1200 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
327375237932 of 16proposed 94720xe4cd30a4...1000 / 00--
327375237921 of 16proposed 42190xa1977ad5...2000 / 00--