Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 5 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3369853918316 of 16proposed 41010x846ff873...2100 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
3369853918215 of 16proposed 23940xf6b8752b...1500 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
3369853918114 of 16proposed 15640x7eb257c6...1200 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
3369853918013 of 16proposed 66010x20199664...1300 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
3369853917912 of 16proposed 200820x1cca45b2...1100 / 00YK_Fruktik_DAppNode
3369853917811 of 16proposed 18800x895040a9...900 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
3369853917710 of 16proposed 176360xf9db981b...1600 / 00YK_Zodiac
336985391769 of 16proposed 163860x0e2d12ae...1300 / 00Nethermind
336985391758 of 16proposed 50510xb82c420a...1100 / 00--
336985391747 of 16proposed 111840xf06eed92...900 / 00YK_Swapr
336985391736 of 16proposed 45390x47fba565...1400 / 00--
336985391725 of 16proposed 7940x6fca14df...900 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
336985391714 of 16proposed 19750x91cc6336...900 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
336985391703 of 16proposed 180320xa71c8def...2700 / 00YK_DAppNode
336985391692 of 16proposed 8740x1987aa55...900 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
336985391681 of 16proposed 59670x5bc34de0...1000 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae