Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 5 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3370653931116 of 16proposed 162350x2db42176...2200 / 00Nethermind
3370653931015 of 16proposed 198360x3d98adf7...2100 / 00YK_TGK_DAppNode
3370653930914 of 16proposed 144880x55c9c26c...1400 / 00Build barns
3370653930813 of 16proposed 201010x1af90be4...3000 / 00YK_Fruktik_DAppNode
3370653930712 of 16proposed 125750xaa73b60b...1200 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
3370653930611 of 16proposed 201380x32e3d407...1400 / 00YK_Fruktik_DAppNode
3370653930510 of 16proposed 169010xc4f0e125...1300 / 00Nethermind
337065393049 of 16proposed 164460x42143244...1400 / 00Nethermind
337065393038 of 16proposed 46290x2a5242f1...1500 / 00--
337065393027 of 16proposed 148560x1f06f745...2000 / 00YK_Koschay_DAppNode
337065393016 of 16proposed 156420xae47423d...1300 / 00Nethermind
337065393005 of 16proposed 79260x50b0849d...2300 / 00--
337065392994 of 16proposed 169240xb8ec8b50...1300 / 00Nethermind
337065392983 of 16proposed 43740xa5c85346...1400 / 00Validated by UFO
337065392972 of 16proposed 104370x4fa1b77e...1000 / 00--
337065392961 of 16proposed 194760x104c62f5...2700 / 00--