Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 5 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3473355574316 of 16proposed 180780x84e05f5f...1200 / 00YK_Mesa
3473355574215 of 16proposed 160490x6a89d08a...1700 / 00Nethermind
3473355574114 of 16proposed 100910x44300c95...1000 / 00--
3473355574013 of 16proposed 158280xbd663569...1000 / 00Nethermind
3473355573912 of 16proposed 92320x2743c763...2000 / 00--
3473355573811 of 16proposed 134000x437604ed...1800 / 00Nethermind
3473355573710 of 16proposed 13060x241c2d1c...1000 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
347335557369 of 16proposed 94600xcc41b21a...1000 / 00--
347335557358 of 16proposed 98680x31d3619f...1000 / 00--
347335557347 of 16proposed 179760x89566ba9...1100 / 00YK_DAppNode
347335557336 of 16proposed 88120xfc72b86f...1500 / 00--
347335557325 of 16proposed 149960xfee00e41...2500 / 00YK_DutchX
347335557314 of 16proposed 6420x4da71576...1300 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
347335557303 of 16proposed 23750x8a5daba7...1000 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
347335557292 of 16proposed 182290x5cb551db...1200 / 00--
347335557281 of 16proposed 63160xf1fd2f85...1000 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae