Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 5 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
3473455575916 of 16proposed 63110x85028ddd...1000 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
3473455575815 of 16proposed 48340x90dd7070...1900 / 00my_nuc
3473455575714 of 16proposed 106020x057e21ca...1200 / 00YK_DXdao_GnosisDAO_DAppNode
3473455575613 of 16proposed 91880xf009be75...1100 / 00--
3473455575512 of 16proposed 151840x5ce47e72...2100 / 00Nethermind
3473455575411 of 16proposed 208720x06e0ed73...1100 / 00Validated by UFO
3473455575310 of 16proposed 189840x172a508d...1400 / 00--
347345557529 of 16proposed 44200x0e1391d7...1000 / 00Validated by UFO
347345557518 of 16proposed 87670xea45b39b...2800 / 00--
347345557507 of 16proposed 69280xa5266232...1200 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
347345557496 of 16proposed 2840x3e08cad1...1400 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
347345557485 of 16proposed 6380x8921b17d...1000 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
347345557474 of 16proposed 131680xba148e18...1800 / 00Nethermind
347345557463 of 16proposed 28690x1e26f0ba...1000 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae
347345557452 of 16proposed 97880xfcaa188b...1800 / 00--
347345557441 of 16proposed 118950xbedd8622...1000 / 00Lighthouse/v2.0.1-0db23ae