Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 5 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
9890691582511916 of 16proposed 411360x55185eb9...12800 / 00kleros.io
9890691582511815 of 16proposed 1263390xbdcbad36...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v5.1.3-3058b96
9890691582511714 of 16proposed 881340xc34a85cb...8800 / 00CMF for StakeWise
9890691582511613 of 16proposed 67430x223d67b0...12800 / 00gnosischain/teku TKcdcb
9890691582511512 of 16proposed 1002890x5bc2dec2...12800 / 00Avado
9890691582511411 of 16proposed 90090x7e88182e...12800 / 00gnosischain/lighthouse
9890691582511310 of 16proposed 1491380x7350ccb4...12800 / 00Nethermind+Lodestar
989069158251129 of 16proposed 250450x624c68c0...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v5.2.0-5c2cf51
989069158251118 of 16proposed 345820x6e710f13...12800 / 00kleros.io
989069158251107 of 16proposed 2532090x610a99b6...11000 / 00gateway.fm
989069158251096 of 16proposed 2469620x16429352...12800 / 00Lodestar-v1.18.1/eefb711
989069158251085 of 16proposed 707770x45d6e5ba...12800 / 00StakeWise TKcdcb1773
989069158251074 of 16proposed 192410x5c279c3a...11300 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
989069158251063 of 16proposed 580170x2fde1173...12800 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
989069158251052 of 16proposed 1038200xe2f86207...12800 / 00Stakewise_aonif
989069158251041 of 16proposed 2619380x8c2f622a...12800 / 00GnosisCenturion