Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 5 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
1248310199729634 of 16proposed 2975370x655908c1...8700 / 00gateway.fm
1248310199729623 of 16proposed 4062670x7464827b...12800 / 00StakeWise
1248310199729612 of 16proposed 1542070x8f786f5c...12800 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
1248310199729601 of 16proposed 3622520x610fa512...7100 / 00🐡s in spaaaaceH2O Nodes
12483091997295916 of 16proposed 4399950x8f5ed317...10600 / 00StakeWise
12483091997295815 of 16proposed 942470x63cd7391...12800 / 00StakeWise
12483091997295714 of 16proposed 4636590xa27d2a99...12800 / 00StakeWise
12483091997295613 of 16proposed 2372480xcef92010...8800 / 00Nethermind+Lighthouse
12483091997295512 of 16proposed 2932290xa1099715...8300 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
12483091997295411 of 16proposed 1548900xf0580930...12800 / 00SRV