Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 5 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
1248352199736409 of 16proposed 3228690x55c93c76...7300 / 00Serenita <> StakeWise 🦉 ...
1248352199736398 of 16proposed 4896360x483f2fdc...12800 / 00Erigon+Teku TKd56ce97f
1248352199736387 of 16proposed 1202960x0de21167...10000 / 00NM0000LHd6ba
1248352199736376 of 16proposed 373630x2f613f61...12800 / 00kleros.io
1248352199736365 of 16proposed 4836210x02a893bb...12800 / 00NM0000LH18e4
1248352199736354 of 16proposed 140370x3bc894ce...9900 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
1248352199736343 of 16proposed 4443690x81947ae5...12800 / 00NM2b75LH0d90
1248352199736332 of 16proposed 2835200x8035d299...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v6.0.1-0d90135
1248352199736321 of 16proposed 3598230x6cb51520...12800 / 00nedo.fm
12483511997363116 of 16proposed 192710x816efd02...12800 / 00validating_from_DAppNode