Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 5 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
1255307200849198 of 16proposed 4754330x8f782e91...9100 / 00charon/v1.2.0-d60eb93
1255307200849187 of 16proposed 2207310x62b0920e...12800 / 00kleros.io
1255307200849176 of 16proposed 1471500xd35fcc41...12800 / 00Nethermind+Lodestar
1255307200849165 of 16proposed 2856610x0c537179...9600 / 00Lighthouse/v6.0.1-0d90135
1255307200849154 of 16proposed 4059230xf8af8759...12800 / 00StakeWise
1255307200849143 of 16proposed 2800870x27bf1792...12800 / 00Lighthouse/v6.0.1-0d90135
1255307200849132 of 16proposed 2450050x264bf4f9...12800 / 00Nethermind+Lighthouse
1255307200849121 of 16proposed 4445370x9d3f06d5...9100 / 00NM2b75LH0d90
12553062008491116 of 16proposed 725970x7f89bb16...12800 / 00StakeWise
12553062008491015 of 16proposed 2975960xe80f5b04...8600 / 00gateway.fm