Time on the Beacon Chain is divided into "slots" of 5 secs apart at which actions and state transitions occur (You can also view the Scheduled blocks)

Epoch Slot Pos Status Proposer ParentRoot Att DEP S-P/A Exit Graffiti Utf8
12482691997231512 of 16proposed 3994100x256b25ea...12800 / 00StakeWise
12482691997231411 of 16proposed 3173170x84144e8f...12100 / 00Serenita <> StakeWise 🦉 ...
12482691997231310 of 16proposed 300990x42c81711...12800 / 00kleros.io
1248269199723129 of 16proposed 1874030x8655d9f4...12800 / 00NM0000LHd6ba
1248269199723118 of 16proposed 3939810x13d63cfa...7600 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
1248269199723107 of 16proposed 4819690xed655b6a...9800 / 00NM87c8LH0d90
1248269199723096 of 16proposed 4754210x97791216...8400 / 00charon/v1.2.0-d60eb93
1248269199723085 of 16proposed 1195550x564b6936...8500 / 00validating_from_DAppNode
1248269199723074 of 16proposed 3601380x2d72e834...12800 / 00SenseiNode
1248269199723063 of 16proposed 4456150x69f5e5ef...8600 / 00Nethermind+Lighthouse