Are you sure you wish to unlink the index 110431 ?
Note: A proposer is a validator that has been pseudorandomly selected to build a block. Proposers of blocks that get finalized, obtain a sizable reward. There are 4 outcomes of the Proposal status: (1) Proposed: successfully proposed and rewarded (2) Skipped: did not correctly propose within the given time frame (i.e offline) and was penalized (3) Scheduled: Upcoming scheduled proposals assigned to this validator (4) Forked: chain reorganization, proposal discarded and not rewarded
Note: Attestations are votes you've cast which confirm the validity of a block. An attestation has 32 slot chances for inclusion on-chain. Validators are rewarded the most when their attestation is included on-chain at their assigned slot. The 3 status outcomes are (1) attested: successfully attested and rewarded (2) did-not-attest: did not correctly attest within the given time frame, no reward (3) Scheduled: scheduled for attestation (voting) duty
(Step 1 of 2) To participate in the network, a minimum of 32 ETH from the Eth_1 network has to be sent to a validator deposit contract
(Step 2 of 2) Deposits sent from the Eth_1 network (above) are processed and included in the Beacon chain. Each validator needs a minimum balance of 32 ETH to get activated.
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If a slasher detects a slashable offense, proof is sent to the beacon-chain node for inclusion in a block. Validators then earn a small whistleblower reward for including this proof into a block.